March 2018
Endless Conversation – Spacing!
A Curatorial Research
On the Politics of Language and the Aesthetics of Affect –
Thinking Art Beyond Representation
in Contemporary Art Practices and Production
A performance event and conversation between Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Nora Schmidt, Sally Schonfeldt, Axelle Stiefel, Martina‑Sofie Wildberger, and Dimitrina Sevova, in the context of a curatorial research by Dimitrina Sevova
Dimitrina Sevova, Endless Conversation – Spacing! (printable as PDF 53KB)
Martina-Sofie Wildberger, I want to say something (printable as PDF 17KB)
Zine launch
Zine – to March, Clandestine Life of the BoycottGiiirls! 2017
Introduction by the zinesters / editors, and list of contributions (printable as PDF 7.44MB)
Front cover of the zine
A proposition by
Donatella Bernardi
for Corner College:
From Abdizuel to Zymeloz
Postcard for the exhibition. Image: Guido Reni, Anima beata (Blessed Soul), 1640/1642, oil on canvas (detail), 252 × 153 cm. Collection Musei Capitolini, Rome. Wikimedia Commons