Isabel Reiß
Waben, Schlangen, Felder
Dimitrina Sevova, Text on the exhibition (printable as PDF 60KB)
Hinterland, Part 2: Blood as a rover
Jürgen Baumann, Gregory Collavini, Anne-Laure Franchette, Gabriel Gee, David Jacques, Tuula Närhinen, Claudia Stöckli, VOLUMES
Postcard for the two parts of the exhibition. Image Cliona Harmey, Interior of Poolbeg lighthouse, Dublin, 2017
Hinterland, Part 1: The eyes of the lighthouse
Anne-Laure Franchette, Gabriel Gee, Cliona Harmey, Monica Ursina Jäger, Salvatore Vitale, VOLUMES
Postcard for the two parts of the exhibition. Image Cliona Harmey, Interior of Poolbeg lighthouse, Dublin, 2017
Endless Conversation – Spacing!
A Curatorial Research
On the Politics of Language and the Aesthetics of Affect –
Thinking Art Beyond Representation
in Contemporary Art Practices and Production
A performance event and conversation between Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Nora Schmidt, Sally Schonfeldt, Axelle Stiefel, Martina‑Sofie Wildberger, and Dimitrina Sevova, in the context of a curatorial research by Dimitrina Sevova
Dimitrina Sevova, Endless Conversation – Spacing! (printable as PDF 53KB)
Martina-Sofie Wildberger, I want to say something (printable as PDF 17KB)
Zine launch
Zine – to March, Clandestine Life of the BoycottGiiirls! 2017
Introduction by the zinesters / editors, and list of contributions (printable as PDF 7.44MB)
Front cover of the zine
A proposition by
Donatella Bernardi
for Corner College:
From Abdizuel to Zymeloz
Postcard for the exhibition. Image: Guido Reni, Anima beata (Blessed Soul), 1640/1642, oil on canvas (detail), 252 × 153 cm. Collection Musei Capitolini, Rome. Wikimedia Commons
Axelle Stiefel
la chambre d'écoute
Conversation with Axelle Stiefel by Dimitrina Sevova (printable as PDF 3.20MB)