On this website you will find materials about and around the projects, exhibitions, and events at Corner College, be it documentation of the projects, additional reading, or texts and materials produced for and in the course of these projects.
Some recent materials may have direct links from this page. Other materials can be found under the year and month of the respective project.
Isabel Reiß
Waben, Schlangen, Felder
Dimitrina Sevova, Text on the exhibition (printable as PDF 60KB)
Endless Conversation – Spacing!
A Curatorial Research
On the Politics of Language and the Aesthetics of Affect –
Thinking Art Beyond Representation
in Contemporary Art Practices and Production
A performance event and conversation between Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Nora Schmidt, Sally Schonfeldt, Axelle Stiefel, Martina‑Sofie Wildberger, and Dimitrina Sevova, in the context of a curatorial research by Dimitrina Sevova
Dimitrina Sevova, Endless Conversation – Spacing! (printable as PDF 53KB)
Martina-Sofie Wildberger, I want to say something (printable as PDF 17KB)
Zine launch
Zine – to March, Clandestine Life of the BoycottGiiirls! 2017
Introduction by the zinesters / editors, and list of contributions (printable as PDF 7.44MB)
Front cover of the zine
Axelle Stiefel
la chambre d'écoute
Conversation with Axelle Stiefel by Dimitrina Sevova (printable as PDF 3.20MB)
Stan Iordanov on his sound piece (printable as PDF 59KB)
Invitation postcard for the exhibition
Corner College at
UNTERTAGE im Waldhuus
best of visarte zürich & guests
Curatorial Statement by Dimitrina Sevova and Alan Roth
Artist statements on Johanna Bruckner's Total Algorithms of Partiality and Scaffold
Text about Anne-Laure Franchette's Archéologie du chantier by Dimitrina Sevova
Text about Milva Stutz's Natural Module by Dimitrina Sevova and Milva Stutz
Artist statement on Katharina Swoboda's work Penguin Pool
Flyer for the exhibition
Nicole Bachmann
I say
Interview with Nicole Bachmann by Dimitrina Sevova (in printable format as PDF 277KB)
Text on Nicole Bachmann's I say by Dimitrina Sevova (in printable format as PDF 1.08MB)
trans-local Sympodium
What’s Wrong with Performance Art?
Curatorial Input / Kuratorischer Input
The Swiss Psychotropic Gold
what is your mission?
Interview with knowbotiq (Yvonne Wilhelm & Christian Huebler) by Dimitrina Sevova and Alan Roth (printable as PDF 5.79MB)
Uriel Orlow personal exhibition
Geraniums Are Never Red
Interview with Uriel Orlow by Dimitrina Sevova (printable as PDF 3.84MB).
Two designs of the flyer for the exhibition
End!angered Species
Plantation Memories and Other Troubled Voices
in the Age of the Capitalocene
Artists' Works and Bios (printable as PDF 6.01MB).
Curatorial Text by Dimitrina Sevova (printable as PDF 369KB).
Corner College zu Gast im TAUT und im Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V., Innerer Nordbahnhof 1, Tor 4 - 6, 70191 Stuttgart
Discoteca Flaming Star & Johanna Bruckner: #work #dance #labor #movements
Curatorial Text by Dimitrina Sevova and Alan Roth (printable as PDF 164KB).
Text by Dimitrina Sevova and Alan Roth about Love Any Out of (90 Seconds) End by Discoteca Flaming Star (printable as PDF 143KB).
Emporium of Benevolent Data. An exhibition project by Adrien Guillet and Quentin Lannes
Curatorial Text by Dimitrina Sevova & Alan Roth (printable as PDF 211KB).
Flyer for the exhibition, two designs
Postcard for the exhibition, two designs
No-where? Now-here!
The Molecular Books of Life – Colleges of Unreason
An idea-driven group exhibition about the practices of writing and the book on one page.
Curatorial Research by Dimitrina Sevova in collaboration with Alan Roth (printable as PDF 998KB).
New Series: The Artist as The Curator as The Artist
(The Art of Curating or How about a Paracuratorial Turn?)
Curatorial Concept by Dimitrina Sevova in collaboration with Alan Roth (printable as PDF 206KB).
LEGS Zürich 2016
Photo documentation, with photos by Urs Schmid and by code flow.
Flyer for LEGS and for the launch of the PANCH web platform
Cold. War. Hot. Stars.
The Iron(y) Helmet of the Intellect
Curatorial concept by Dimitrina Sevova (printable as PDF 221KB).
Collecting the Future
A Sinopale Exhibition
Sinopale Newspaper (printable as PDF 3.35MB).
Curatorial text by T. Melih Görgün, Nilüfer Sülüner and Dimitrina Sevova (printable as PDF 122KB).
New Series: Home of the Brave: Archeology of the Moving Image
Home of the Brave – Archaeology of the Moving Image, text by Dimitrina Sevova introducing the new series (printable as PDF 145KB).